This is what his new band looks like:
Anyway, my friend and I found ourselves a bit lost on the way to the show and no one seemed to know the street we were looking for. So we decided to hop in a taxi, the one sure way to get somewhere. She tells him where we need to go and he says we are already there and just need to walk a few blocks up. So we make it over to the street we need, but then we couldn't find the place we were searching for. I saw a few guys with guitar cases standing in the street and Joked around with Dina, saying that they were probably in the band. So we asked them where the place was and they pointed us down the street. A little later they walked in and started playing... it was the band. It was a very small, local music joint. I loved it the band, atmosphere, everything about it was awesome. Taking pictures was difficlut because of the very low concert lighting and what not, but you can see by my We even got to talk to the band for quite a while after the show. You know when you ask the band for directions to their own show they must think that is quite comical, but they all thought it was quite funny. Well that was it for that day and Saturday I did a little tour of the city with the exchange program, And now a note on today:
Well you know that thing about Spanish time being really relaxed? I must be getting too used to this Spanish time because today when I needed to be on time I wasn't. I was planning to leave for Toledo, the old Spanish capital, at 12:30 this morning. The Exchange Student office ran out of tickets early so I was in the group that was going on our own. We were to meet at a bus station about 30 minutes from my flat. Well I woke up with plenty of time, at about 9:30, but decided I didn't have anything to do so I went back to sleep. Unfortunately, the next time I woke up was 12:35. I had missed it.
My first attempt to call my friends to apologize failed. A few minutes later I received a call from my friend saying she couldn't find anyone there and hadn't left yet. I was still good to go. After meeting her there we got our bus tickets and made out way to Toledo. The Spanish highway system reminded me a lot of the highways back home, with gas stations available at every exit. But seeing everything in metric system confused me a little. Because I'm pretty sure we weren't going 120 mph the whole way there.
When we got to Toledo we actually found some other exchange students in the station and followed them up to the oldest cathedral in Spain, cerca 1227. We couldn't take pictures inside, but it was nothing like any church in America. The details put into every part of it were incredible. I don't think anybody today would take the time to sculpt figurines into the wall like this, but let me tell you: if they did, I would go and see it.
Well in the Cathedral we saw most of the other exchange students but we decided to still do our own thing and explore by ourselves or at least in other small groups. We eventually meet up with some of my Italian friends and met their roommates, 2 Americans and explored with them for a bit. No crazy stories about that, but it was a fun time.
This is what Connor in Toledo looks like:
This is what the end of my post looks like:
You look like a giant in that picture.